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Center For The Cinematic Arts



"It is very commonly experienced by the people who come here [to the jungle], they realize 'I thought it was gonna be about ayahuasca'...but it's about the songs".                                 

- Dr. Joe Tafur, author of "The Fellowship Of The River"

The Song That Calls You Home is a personal, scientific and mystical exploration of Amazonian curanderismo - with focus on Ayahuasca and Master Plants, their healing and visionary properties and risks - along with the wondrous world of the Shipibo people and Song. This film aims to function as a bridge for those seeking to understand the facts and dynamics behind one of the most intriguing phenomena of our time: Ayahuasca Tourism - Westerners who travel to the Amazon each year by the thousands in pursuit of healing and enlightenment through Ayahuasca, shamanic treatments, and specific plant diets. 


Directed by Luis Robledo & Vanni Mangoni, Produced by Alexandra Compuesto

Release Date: December 1st, 2020 on Gaia TV & SVOD.

The Song That Calls You Home

Reborn follows professional basketball player Lamar Odom down a path to recovery. Patterns of addiction after years of trauma and the untimely death of his son led to an overdose that nearly ended Lamar’s life. Odom was comatose for several days, suffering 12 strokes and six heart attacks before getting back on his feet. Lamar has been called a “walking miracle” by his doctors.


The film highlights Lamar’s journey as he incorporates ketamine, plant medicine, and daily practice into his life to overcome addiction, anxiety, and past trauma. Discover new ways to break free from destructive patterns and needless suffering. Watch as Lamar Odom is reborn into a life that is truly worth living. 

Directed by Mike 'Zappy' Zapolin, Produced by Chase Hudson, Warren Gumpel, Luis Robledo & Mike Zapolin

Release Date: February, 2021

Lamar Odom Reborn

This documentary explores the relationship between spirituality, religion, and plant medicine. Featuring top leaders including Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and hosted by Mike "Zappy" Zapolin. The film explores how to access the true reality through plant medicine and meditation. It includes first of its kind interviews with top spiritual gurus, celebrities, and people of all faiths, about this intriguing connection and their personal experiences with spirituality and transcendence. 

Through history, human beings have searched for gateways to spirituality that have included meditation, prayer and plant medicine.The Judeo Christian religions, Vedic traditions, and Shamanistic rituals all incorporate techniques focused on transcending the physical reality. These ancient techniques have been uncovered and are now available to society, enabling our ability to tap into our true reality and awakening. 

Directed by Mike 'Zappy' Zapolin & Laurent Levy, Produced by Adam Singer

Release Date: July 19, 2016

The Reality Of Truth

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